To build on the successes of the past few years, SABC want to seize the moment to stabilize and grow the Club’s capacity. A Board of Advisors (Boat Club executives, alumni and the College Bursar and Development Director) help the Club manage its resources and responsibilities consistently year after year. The next step is to fundraise to increase the Club’s operating and capital budgets.


At present, SABC runs on less than half the budget of comparable Oxford graduate colleges (£10k vs £20k) and charged fees to its own members that are at the upper end of what Oxford boat clubs charge.
The Club’s two greatest areas of needs are:
Training – Increase of the coaching budget. Each year, there is only enough to retain coaches for one-in-three water outings during the year, mainly for the Men’s and Women’s First Crews. With a larger coaching budget, the Boat Club could afford to coach Second Crews, which would raise the enjoyment level for the Club’s more recreational rowers and raise the Club’s overall competitiveness. The Club could also start sending its coxswains – who steer the boat, are responsible for crew safety and often make the difference between winning or losing a race – for professional training;
Boats – Replacement. The two racing boats (Men’s and Women’s VIII) are nearing their replacement date and the training boat has passed its date by about 5 years. A new racing boat costs betweeen £10,000 and £20,000 (plus £2,000 in annual storage and maintenance fees).
The Boat Club is already a vital part of student life at St Antony’s College and it needs your support to sustain that role. Please click here for more information about the needs of the Boat Club.
To encourage giving, various naming opportunities are in place.
You can make a secure donation online through the University’s giving pages. Donors from the UK, United States, Canada, Germany and Hong Kong can give tax efficient. Tax payers in the United States can make a gift through Americans for Oxford, inc. (AfO): a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization which seeks gifts to benefit the University of Oxford and its colleges.
If you would like to make a donation or have questions about SABC naming opportunities, please contact Wouter te Kloeze. The President and the Executive of the Boat Club would be delighted to answer any queries about SABC itself.
Thank you for your generosity.